Panel Member Spotlight: Leah Dryer, EVE (End Violent Encounters)

Leah Dryer has been with EVE (End Violent Encounters) for just over 2 years now and serves as the Director of Community Outreach. She is a long-time advocate for social justice and human rights issues with a dedicated passion for assisting survivors of domestic and sexual violence. She has an educational background in Communications and Women and Gender Studies which fuels her devotion to survivors and organizations such as EVE. She also serves as the Volunteer Coordinator for EVE so if anyone would like more information on volunteering, please contact her or come visit with her after the program!

EVE (End Violent Encounters) began in 1977 and was formerly known as CADA (Council Against Domestic Assault). It eventually grew to become Lansing's first domestic violence shelter. Over the years, EVE has grow to provide supportive services such as advocacy, counseling, crisis intervention, children's programs and community education to survivors of many forms of violence including: domestic, sexual, stalking, and elder abuse. EVE's programs utilize a nonjudgmental, supportive and strengths-based approach to help survivors live life empowered.

 For more information on EVE and it's services you can visit or like their Facebook page. To donate to this wonderful organization, click here!


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