Welcome to The Curtainless Theatre!

Hey, there -- Welcome to our blog!

The Curtainless Theatre is a classics theatre based in Lansing, Michigan. Please be sure to visit the "Our Story" and "Our Mission" pages to learn more about our history in the area as well as our purpose and drive as a company.

This blog is a multipurpose space.  Here you'll find information about current and upcoming projects, as well as some information about the inner workings of the company and about work we've done in the past. We'll also be using this platform to explore the academic side of classical texts, and to highlight important work we see being done in our community and around that world that aligns with our vision.

Stay tuned for more information about our projects.  If you would like to get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out!
https://www.facebook.com/curtainlesstheatrelansing/ https://www.instagram.com/curtainless.theatre/ https://twitter.com/TheCurtainless curtainless.theatre@gmail.com


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